HPV and Cervical Dysplasia


"After I tested positive for HPV my doctors informed me that there was nothing they could do, and that we would just simply need to wait and watch to see what happens. They told me that HPV was very common and that most cases go away in two years. Eventually I decided to seek a natural method to rid my body of HPV after I developed CIN 1. When I visited Dr. Chan she put me on a vitamin and suppository regimen. She also helped me understand what foods I should avoid and what foods I should eat more of. I followed her advice for a whole year. I also had 10 escharotic treatments with her. In December of 2011 my gynecologist informed me after a routine pap that I had tested negative for HPV. 

I am very grateful for Dr. Chan’s help. She is extremely knowledgeable about what must be done in order to get rid of HPV. Dr. Chan helped me to understand the importance of my overall health in ridding my body of HPV. Because of her I changed my lifestyle, which I believe is one of the critical reasons for my healing. I will always be grateful to Dr. Chan for the excellent care that she gave me. She was a great source of wisdom and support throughout my ordeal. The expert regimen that she put me on was what made me well again. The likelihood of my HPV going away on its own seemed like a remote possibility, but thanks to Dr. Chan this has become a reality. Thank you again Dr. Chan!" 

January 15, 2012 – H.A.


"I was over the moon and in complete and utter disbelief that after battling this for two years my HPV test is finally negative.  I feel like I have finally turned a corner and it is ALL THANKS TO YOU." 

March 5, 2013 – H.O.


"I am extremely thankful to Dr. Tracy Chan for her superb naturopathic treatments and invaluable advice on how to improve my condition and overall health. More than that, she is, to me, a beacon of light at the end of a dark tunnel as I was facing a dead end due to the lack of alternative treatment options in Asia.  This was my first experience with naturopathic medicine and  I had to fly halfway across the world to undergo treatment with a doctor whom I have never met but she patiently answered my questions beforehand and laid my doubts to rest. Thus, I had full confidence to make the trip over solely for the purpose of a three week course of treatment with her. Dr. Chan is very knowledgeable and truly cares about her patients. She listened and tailored a treatment protocol very well suited to my individual circumstances and this cured my condition in just a few short months. I am eternally grateful to Dr. Chan for giving me a new lease in life with more energy and a healthier body than before."  
November 2013 - S.S.


"2 weeks ago I went for my Pap, praying for the best, and guess what? I finally have a clean Pap after being tormented for a year!!  I am so so so happy with my results - a normal pap and HPV negative.  Thank you!! Thank you so much for the treatment and advice! I guess not much words could express my gratitude, but I'm really thankful that I made my trip down to the States and to your clinic. This is definitely the best Christmas gift I've ever received, and a super great start for 2014 :)))) The wonderful results have given me a lot of hope, and I certainly wish to stay like this for as long as I can." 

January 2014 – T.L.



Dr. Chan sees patients with acute and chronic conditions.  She addresses each patient as a whole investigating the potential causes of what each patient is experiencing.  The following are some conditions Dr. Chan frequently encounters: 

Women’s Health

Gynecological Examinations with PAP and HPV Screenings

Irregular Menstruation



Cervical Dysplasia


Menopausal Hormone Changes


Endocrine Health

Thyroid Disorders

Adrenal Fatigue

Blood Sugar Imbalances


Dermatological Health



